KARM Delhi


01. Asvadana Tattva (English)

Çréla Rüpa Gosvämé addressed Mahäprabhu as “mahä-vadänyäya.” Kaviräja Gosvämé addresses Him as “Parama Karuëämaya”. We have to go DEEP into this topic. From this, we will attain strength in our sädhanä, in our bhakti, when we will understand clearly of what actually we can attain.

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02. Ataeva Gopi Bhava I (English)

“Ataeva gopé-bhäva kori aìgékär” - This is the essence of essence of everything. “Ataeva”- for this reason, “gopé-bhäva kori aìgékär”- adopt the mood of the vraja gopés. After adopting the mood of the vraja gopés, what to do then? Day and night meditate on,“rätri-dine” meditate, on conjugal pastimes of Rädhä- Kåñëa. Be in Gopé Bhäva, Maïjaré Bhäva, meditate on the conjugal pastimes of Rädhä-Kåñëa. How to meditate?

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03. Ataeva Gopi Bhava II (English)

welcome to the second session. The main thing is, “Ataeva gopé-bhäva kori aìgékär”. We have to adopt, we have to imbibe this bhäva in our life, the Maïjaré Bhäva in our life…, “kori aìgékär”. To the degree we are attracted towards this Bhäva and perform service in this Bhäva, to that degree we will advance

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04. Let Be (English)

In this journey of our life, these two words will help us a lot... For changing, converting our life, these two words have infinite power. Whatever work we are doing, we should remember that I am on a journey, you are on a journey, everyone is on their own individual journey.

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Thought of the Day

" Guru & Krsna are only concerned with how much efforts you are putting in."


01. FAQs

02. Gaudéya Vaisnavism In A Nutshell

03. Is Harinäma Dékñä ?

04. What is a thought?

05. What is Bhaum Våndävana ?

06. What is Gäyatré ?

07. What is Yogpéöha ?



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