Bhaum Våndävana
In every universe, there is Bhaum Våndävana/Dhäma of Lord Kåñëa.
Bhaum Våndävana is the place in the universe where Lord Çré Kåñëa is presently manifesting His Pastimes with His Eternal Associates. (There is no end to Lord Çré Kåñëa’s Pastimes, which are always manifesting in one universe or the other).
Journey of Rägänugä Devotee :
The practising Rägänugä bhakta advances to the stages of anartha nivåtti, niñöha, ruci, äsakti, bhäva, and at last reaches to the fulfilment of all desires in prema. But the service of Çré Yugala is possible only when one is in the stage of Mahäbhäva.
Çréla Viçvanätha Cakravarté Öhäkura skilfully gives the description in Änanda Candrikä öékä in Çré Ujjavala Nilmaëé about the direct service one attains after reaching the stage of prema. He tells – “A sädhaka of Çré Yugala can reach only upto the stage of prema in his present body. Beyond it, the stages like sneha, mäna, praëaya etc. are attained in Bhaum Våndävana (A universe where Kåñëa is doing pastimes at that point of time). Surpassing all these stages, one attains the saìga of Nitya Pärñadas to the stage of Mahäbhäva in siddha deha.”
Attainment of Mahäbhäva in Bhauma Våndävana : The Process :
A Gauòéya Vaiñëava sädhaka meditates on his siddha svarüpa (given by Çré Gurudeva), and also meditates on rendering service unto Çré Çré Rädhä Kåñëa.
Once the devotee reaches the stage of Prema, the aghaöan– ghaöan – patiyäsé (inconceivable) potency of Yogmäyä takes the sädhan siddha sädhaka to the universe where Çré Kåñëa’s prakata lélä is going on. In Bhaum Vraja, this inconceivable potency establishes the sädhaka as a female baby in the womb of a Vraja Gopé in Våñabhänupüra. After that, gradually sneha, mäna, praëaya, räga, anuräga and mahäbhäva becomes manifest in the gopikä body of that sädhaka on the strength of hearing, chanting and seeing Çré Çré Rädhä Kåñëa’s Glories with the effect of association with eternally liberated gopés endowed with mahäbhäva.
One may wonder why this happens (that one takes birth from cowherd gopé). This is because-without taking birth from the womb of a gopikä in the house of a cowherd, one cannot get a proper acquaintance according to narlélä (human-like pastimes) like: ”Whose daughter is this sakhé? Whose wife is she? Whose daughter-in-law is she?” etc.
Upon maturity, Çré Lalitä dedicates this new maïjaré unto the hands of the Chief Maïjaré, Çré Rüpa Maïjaré. Upon further training, when Çré Rüpa Maïjaré gets satisfied, She engages this new maïjaré directly into the service of Çré Yugala and hence the long awaited desire of sädhakätmä gets fulfilled.
Thus, considering himself an ordinary sädhaka, Çréla Narottama Däsa Öhäkura prays-
hari hari ära ki emana daña habo
kabe våñbhänupure,
ahér gopera ghare,
tanaya haiyä janmibo
(Prärthana- 30 )
“Hari ! Hari ! When will I attain the fortune of being born as a daughter in the house of a gopé in Barsäna.”