What is Yogpéöha ?


The place where our Gauòéya Vaiñëavas Iñöa Deva in Vraja- Çré Çré Rädhä Mädhava come together to give Their Darçana is called Yogpéöha maëi-mandira (gems-studded temple).

Vraja Dhäma Yogpéöha-

Eternally, there occurs 3 Meetings of Çré Çré Rädhä Mädhava daily-

  1. At Guptakuëòa (at 8am)
  2. At Rädhäkuëòa (in Madhyäna Lélä, between 10.48am-3.36pm)
  3. At Govindasthalé (between 10.48pm-3.36am)


Yogpéöha maëi-mandira is about 2-2½ feet raised from the ground, is of the shape of the Lotus.

There is a particular order in which Çré Çré Rädhä Mädhava and Their Associates stand.

  • Çré Çré Rädhä Mädhava stand in the centre.
  • Surrounded closely by Añöa Maïjarés (Eight Chief Maïjarés viz Çré Rüpa Maïjaré, Manjulälé Maïjaré, Rasa Maïjaré, Rati Maïjaré, Guëa Maïjaré, Viläsa Maïjaré, Lavaìga Maïjaré, Kastüré Maïjaré), who stand in kesar (innermost whorl).
  • On the outer whorl (called dal) stand Añöa Sakhés (Eight Chief Sakhés viz Lalitä Sakhé, Viçäkhä Sakhé, Citra Sakhé, Indulekhä Sakhé, Campaklatä Sakhé, Raìgadevi Sakhé, Tungavidyä Sakhé, Sudevi Sakhé.
  • Upsakhés stand on the whorl outer to dal (called updal) viz Aìanga Maïjaré(Yütheçvaré of those belonging to Nityänanda Parivära), Kalävati, Subhäìgnä, Hiraëyängé, Ratnarekhä, Çikhävati, Kandarpa Maïjaré, Phulkanikä.
  • Then, there are 4 gates in four directions, where Murlä Devé (Northern gate), Våndä Devé (Eastern gate), Våndärékä Devé (Southern gate) and Menä Devé (Western Gate) stand.
  • The entire Guru Maïjaré Varga starting from Çréman Mahäprabhu’s Eternal Associate stand near the Yütheçvaré of the respective Parivära (like the Guru Maïjaré Varga of Nityänanda Parivära stands near Aìanga Maïjaré, indicated by crosses (xx)in the above Picture.

Navadvépa Dhäma Yogpéöha-

Corresponding to Vraja Yogpéöha, Navadvépa Yogpéöha occurs at-

  1. At Mahäprabhu’s Abode
  2. At Çriväsa Aìgana
  3. At Çriväsa Aìgana


In Navadvépa Yogpéöha,

  • The Entire Païca Tattva (Çréman Gauräìga Mahäprabhu, Çréman Nityänanda Prabhu, Çré Advaita Äcärya, Çré Gadadhara Paëòita, Çré Çréväsa Paëòita) stand in the middle of lotus.
  • They are surrounded closely by Añöa Gosvämés, who are Añöa Maïjarés in Vraja Lélä (Rüpa Gosvämé, Loknätha Gosvämé, Raghunäöha Bhaööa Gosvämé,Raghunätha Däsa Gosvämé, Jéva Gosvämé, Sanätana Gosvämé, Kåñëadäsa Kaviräja Gosvämé). They stand in kesar (innermost whorl).
  • On the outer whorl (called dal) stand Añöa Mahaìta, who are Añöa Sakhés in Vraja Lélä (Svarüpa Damodara, Rämänanda Räya, Govindänanda Thäkura, Vasu Rämänanda, Çivänanda Sena, Govinda Ghoña, Vakreçvara Paëòita, Väsudeva Ghoña).
  • Kaviräjas stand on the whorl outer to dal (called updal) viz Rämacandra Kaviräja, Çré Govinda Kaviräja, Karëapüra Kaviräja, Nåsiàha Kaviräja, Bhagaväna Kaviräja, Ballabikäìta Kaviräja, Gopiraman Kaviräja, Gokula Kaviräja.
  • Then, there are 4 gates in four directions, where Käçéçvara Paëòita (Northern gate), Mukuëòa Thäkura (Eastern gate), Çivänanda Cakravarti (Southern gate) and Çré Räma Paëòita (Western Gate) stand.
  • The entire Guru Varga starting from Çréman Mahäprabhu’s Eternal Associate stand near the Yütheçvaré of the respective Parivära (like the Guru Varga of Nityänanda Parivära stands near Jähanvä Mä, indicated by crosses (xx) in the above Picture.

How can we have Yogpéöha Darçana? How can we serve?

After getting the fortune of being connected to the Bonafide Paramparä through Initiation, when one receives the siddha praëälé from the Lotusfeet of Çré Guru within the Gauòéya Vaiñëava Sampradäya, the acquaintance with siddha deha is attained during sädhanä käla. This is eternal and real. And, only with this siddha deha, one can enter into Yogpéöha on perfection.

Bhakti is science, and so is Dhäma. Everything of Dhäma is very precise and well defined, in context to place of residence, place where Çré Çré Rädhä Mädhava and His Associates stand and where different Pariväras stand in Yogpéöha.

Like, for example- Those in Nityänanda Parivära stand along with Guru Varga/ Guru Maïjaré Varga close to their Yütheçvaré Jähanava Mätä/Aìanga Maïjaré in Navadvépa/Vraja Yogpéöha respectively.

A sädhaka (Kiçora Brahamaëa in Nitya Navadvépa/ Maïjaré in Nitya Vraja) prepares äraté plate for his Gurudeva/her Guru Maïjaré and for himself/herself. Then, after Gurudeva/Guru Maïjaré lovingly does äraté, sädhaka too lovingly does äraté of Çréman Gauräìga Mahäprabhu, Çréman Nityänanda Prabhu and Çré Advaita Äcärya/ Çyämä Çyäma in order to remove all the inauspiciousness that might come in Their way. (In Vraja, none considers Kåñëa and Rädhäräné as Lord).

Yogpéöha Smaraëa-

It is the fortune of gauòéya vaiñëava sädhakas to know the dynamics of the Spiritual World. Like,

  • From Rädhäräné comes molten-yellow känti (effulgence) and Kåñëa carries bluish (cloud-like) effulgence. And when They stand together in Yogpéöha, both effulgence combine and there emits harit känti (greenish) effulgence.
  • In Navadvépa Yogpéöha, Çréman Mahäprabhu stands in semi-conscious state.

A sädhaka should thus meditate on his Guru-given siddha deha and on Yogpéöha, and render service, for as Çréla Öhäkura Mahäçaya says-

sädhanä bhävibo yähä, siddha-dehe päbo tähä
raga pathera ei se upäya
(PBC Verse 55)

‘Whatever I think of during my sädhanä (spiritual practice), I will attain in siddha deha when I reach siddhi (perfection).’ Thus, in order to attain Yogpéöha sevä on perfection, gauòéya vaiñëava sädhaka (aspirant) should sincerely render Yogpéöha smaraëa sevä during practice.

Yogpéöha is the very powerful sädhanä through which one can very quickly get acquainted with his/her Guru-given svarüpa.