what is the meaning of Sahajiyä and are all Bäbäjés Sahajiyä ?
Question- MAHÄRÄJA JÉ, in Iskcon, they label all Bäbäjés as Sahajiyä. What is the meaning of Sahajiyä? Are all Bäbäjés Sahajiyä? Resquesting MAHÄRÄJA JÉ to please clarify the doubt? Thank YOU.
MAHÄRÄJA JÉ- Now you are asking, what is the meaning of Sahajiyä and are all Bäbäjés Sahajiyä etc.?
See, Sahajiyä means who takes an easy way out, easy path, easy going spiritual life. Bhoga and bhakti together, these are called Sahajiyäs. In Iskcon language also, those people who smoke cigarettes also, who take drugs and are womanizers also, are called Sahajiyäs.
Well! Truely these are called Sahajiyäs. They think that they are doing the bhakti of Rädhä and Kåñëa. They are taking drugs, they are womanizing, surely, they all are Sahajiyäs. But you cannot term all Bäbäjés as Sahajiyäs! You cannot do this.
Çréla Gaura Kiçora Däsa Bäbäjé, Çréla Jagannätha Däsa Bäbäjé, Çréla Bhakti Vinoda Öhäkura, all three of them, they were given their Maïjaré deha…Siddha Praëälé, their eternal form as däsai of Rädhä and Kåñëa by their Guru. And they meditated upon their Siddha deha.
They used to meditate on serving Rädhä and Kåñëa here as per the books written by Gosvämés, Raghunätha Däsa Gosvämé’s Viläpa kusumäïjali and other Gosvämés and Prabodhänanda Sarasvaté They used to meditate on the Granthas and serve Rädhä and Kåñëa by their Guru given Siddha deha.
So, when the basis of your meditation is the Gosvämé Granthas and you serve them through your Siddha deha, Maïjaré Svarüpa given by your Guru, this is called being Rüpänugä. This is not Sahajiya! We, here in Rädhä Kuëòa and Bhakti Vinoda Öhäkura, Jagannätha Däsa Bäbäjé and Gaura Kiçora Däsa Bäbäjé, don’t even take carrots!
Here, Vaiñëava etiquette is observed to its fullest. We don’t even take carrot, not even tea or coffee, proper Vaiñëava etiquettes are being observed!
And when anyone does Bhakti this way, it is not called Sahajiyä, it is called Rupänugä.
And if you think that by your Guru given Siddha deha, if you meditate upon serving Rädhä and Kåñëa as per Gosvämé Granthas, if this is Sahajiyism, then Bhakti Vinoda Öhäkura is Sahajiyä, Gaura Kiçora Däsa Bäbäjé is Sahajiyä and Jagannätha Däsa Bäbäjé is also a Sahajiyä. So out of 5 pictures in your altar, 3 of them are Sahajiyä. Then why are you putting them in your altar?
We are exactly following the same way Gaura Kiçora Däsa Bäbäjé did, exactly the same, how Bhakti Vinoda Öhäkura did and exactly the same, how Jagannätha Däsa Bäbäjé did.
The way they used to do bhakti, our Gurus did bhakti the same way, and we are doing bhakti exactly the same way. Exactly word to word, as per Våndävana Mahimämåta, as per Rädhä Rasa Sudhä Nidhi, as per Govinda lélämåta, word to word as per the çlokas, exactly written by the Äcäryas, we are meditating and serving Rädhä and Kåñëa.
This is what Mahäprabhu has also told us to do- Dual sädhanä, two-fold sädhanä.
You know that Mahäprabhu has directly instructed the entire Gauòéya Vaiñëava Sampradäya?
Do you know this? What are the direct Instructions of Lord Gauräìga?
bähya antara ihära dui to sädhana
bähya sädhaka deha kore çravaëa kértana
mane nija siddha deha koriyä bhävana
rätri dina cinte rädhä-kåñëera caraëa
Mahäprabhu has told to do two-fold sädhanä.
What is two-fold sädhanä?
Hearing and chanting about the Lord is external sädhanä. ‘Bähya sädhaka deha’, by this body you have, do çravaëa and Kértana and ‘mane nija siddha deha koriyä bhävana.’
So, if we don’t do sevä of Rädhä and Kåñëa by our Guru given Siddha deha, we are not followers of Lord Gauräìga! Please understand this! This is a very important thing!
If we meditate on Rädhä Kåñëa’s sevä, this is not Sahajiyä. This is being a Gauòéya. Gauòéya means who follows Väëé of Lord Gauräìga! Väëé of Lord Gauräìga is to do two-fold sädhanä, not one sädhanä. Do two sädhanä simultaneously.
Çravaëa and Kértana is bähya sädhanä and serving Lord Kåñëa in your heart, by your Guru given Siddha deha is internal sädhanä.
So Iskcon and Gauòéya maöha very cheaply criticize Bäbäjés and those who are genuine followers of Lord Gauräìga. They say, they are Sahajiyäs?
If this is Sahajiya, then throw Bhakti Vinoda Öhäkura out of your altar, throw Gaura Kiçora Däsa Bäbäjé out of your altar, throw Jagannätha Däsa Bäbäjé out of your altar. They are Sahajiyäs then, we are Sahajiyäs then.
We are following exactly, not even an iota of difference what they were following and what we are following. There’s no difference. There was no difference. 500 years, exactly the same everyone is following, everyone except Gauòéya maöha, everyone is following exactly the same way.
Sahajiyäs means taking easy. This is Sahajiyaism that putting ñaò Gosvämés on the altar of Sétä Räma! This is Sahajiyä! You do the cheap thing of putting Rädhä Kåñëa’s däsés on the altar of Sétä Räma, putting däsés of Rädhä Kåñëa, Gosvämés on the altar of Narasiàha Deva, this is Sahajiyäism! This is Sahajiyä, easy going, cheap, whimsical, whatever you think is non-çästrika. The non- çästrika thing, you put that practically. This is Sahajiyä, not even putting Guru given tilaka! What can be more Sahajiyä than this??
Propagator of- ‘He is Sahajiyä, He is Sahajiyä’.
See yourself, you are Sahajiyä!
What has Rüpa Gosvämé instructed?
sevä sädhaka rüpeëa siddha rüpeëa cätra hi
tad bhäva lipsunä käryä vraja lokänusärataù
Rüpa Gosvämé is saying that do çravaëa, Kértana sevä as sädhaka; and in your mind, serve Rädhä Kåñëa by your Guru given Siddha deha. This is Rüpa Gosvämé’s saying. So, if we do this way, then we are proper Rupänugä. And what Mahäprabhu says is exactly the same.
bähya antara ihära dui to sädhana
bähya sädhaka deha kore çravaëa kértana
mane nija siddha deha koriyä bhävana
rätri dina cinte rädhä-kåñëera caraëa
Why don’t you accept this çloka “bähya antara ihära dui to sädhana” given by Lord Gauräìga as your life guiding force? Our life should be guided by Lord Gauräìga and Rüpa Gosvämé, not by anyone else’s words, not by any institutional äcärya. You mean to say that your institutional äcärya is above Lord Gauräìga??? Your institutional äcärya is above Rüpa Gosvämé???
You don’t want to become a Gauòéya, you don’t want to become Rupänugä, you want to become institutional äcäryänugä?? You came here to become a Gauòéya Vaiñëava or some institutional äcäryänugä??
Get your basics clear! Why did I come to Gauòéya Vaiñëavism?
To become a proper Gauòéya, plain and simple!
Proper Gauòéya means who follows Väëé exactly what Lord Gauräìga said, what exactly Rüpa Gosvämé has said.
Sahajiyä is something cheap, easy going, womanizing. Here in Rädhä Kuëòa, so much distance is done between males and females. Everyone is covered in säòé. No one talks to ladies.
Drugs??? No one takes tea and coffee! Even carrots are not taken here.
You are calling proper, genuine followers, who have given their life to serving Rädhä and Kåñëa, as Sahajiyä??
Can there be a bigger aparädha than this???
Calling all Bäbäjés as Sahajiyäs and putting Bäbäjé’s pictures in their altar. Is there any sense to it?