Rägänugä Bhakti after anartha nivåtti…?!?
Question- MAHÄRÄJA JÉ! One devotee from Iskcon said that our leaders tell us that only after anartha nivåtti, we can start Ragänugä bhakti. So is this so MAHÄRÄJA JÉ. Kindly please clear his doubt.
MAHÄRÄJA JÉ- Iskcon leaders tell their devotees that after anartha nivåtti only, one can do Ragänugä bhakti. Is it right or not?
Well! If I go by your words, you are saying that after anartha nivåtti, we can do Ragänugä bhakti. It means that you are not doing Ragänugä bhakti right now! You are not doing Ragänugä bhakti right now?
Well, Kåñëa bhakti in all rasas is Ragänugä bhakti only. Whether as a däsa of Çré Kåñëa, as a sakhä of Çré Kåñëa, or in Västalya bhäva of Çré Kåñëa or Gopé bhäva or Maïjaré bhäva, all are forms of Ragänugä bhakti only! Even däsya bhakti of Kåñëa is a very special form of däsya. That is also Ragänugä bhakti. So, if you are saying that after anartha nivåtti, you will do Ragänugä bhakti, it means you are not doing Ragänugä bhakti right now.
So, my next question to you is that are you doing Kåñëa bhakti? You will say that I am doing Kåñëa bhakti. But Kåñëa bhakti is only Ragänugä bhakti. There’s no general Kåñëa bhakti and Ragänugä bhakti of Kåñëa. Kåñëa bhakti means Ragänugä bhakti!
So, if you are saying that after anartha nivåtti, you will do Ragänugä bhakti. It means that after anartha nivåtti, you will do Kåñëa bhakti. But you are saying that you are already doing Kåñëa bhakti. After anartha nivåtti of doing Kåñëa bhakti, you will do Ragänugä bhakti…! Is there any sense to it?
Kåñëa bhakti means Ragänugä bhakti. After anartha nivåtti, if you will do Ragänugä bhakti, you want to say that after anartha nivåtti, I will do Kåñëa bhakti. But you yourself are contradicting yourself! You are saying that you are doing Kåñëa bhakti. But you are only saying that after anartha nivåtti, you will do Kåñëa bhakti in the form of Ragänugä bhakti. Then what are you actually saying? Do you even know your question? How can I answer someone who doesn’t even know his question? There’s no general form of Kåñëa bhakti that after doing the general form of Kåñëa bhakti, his anarthas will go and then he will do Ragänugä bhakti.
There’s no general Kåñëa bhakti!
Kåñëa bhakti is done in five rasas. There is no rasa-less Kåñëa bhakti. I am doing some rasa-less Kåñëa bhakti first, then anarthas will go away, then I will do some kind of Ragänugä bhakti. If this is the teaching given in the organization, then please understand that you are at the wrong place! Because first, again coming back to the same thing, you don’t even know the meaning of Sampradäya.
In Sampradäya, only one bhäva is being bestowed. So, if you have got Dékñä, then you have already got seed of some form of Ragänugä bhakti. If you are in Kåñëa bhakti and you are initiated, you must have got some form of a seed. Either Vätsalya or Maïjaré or Gopé or Däsya bhäva of Kåñëa.
So, when you are saying that you will do Ragänugä bhakti after anartha nivåtti, you don’t even know the meaning of Sampradäya. That Sampradäya bestows one bhäva. You don’t know the meaning of Gauòéya Vaiñëava Sampradäya that what bhäva Gauòéya Vaiñëava Sampradäya bestows? If you were in a proper Gauòéya Vaiñëava lineage, you have already got the seed of Rädhä Kåñëa bhakti. And there’s no general Kåñëa bhakti.
I am really crying from inside when I am hearing this crazy question because how can I tell you the answer to such a simple thing?
You just tell your leaders that Sir! PrabhuJé! Mahäräja! I want to know what Gauòéya Vaiñëava Sampradäya is, what are the teachings of Gauòéya Vaiñëava Sampradäya minus Bhakti Vinoda Öhäkura and his family and his followers? You just tell me about Gauòéya Vaiñëava Sampradäya minus Bhakti Vinoda Öhäkura and his followers…let it be, Bhakti Siddhänta or Prabhupäda or anyone.
Is there no Gauòéya Vaiñëava Sampradäya except this family and his followers? Do you want to say this? There is Huuuggge Gauòéya Vaiñëava Sampradäya exists in Jagannätha Puré, Navadvépa, Våndävana, Manipur, go anywhere. Huuuggge Gauòéya Vaiñëava Sampradäya exists.
Just try to understand what Gauòéya Vaiñëava Sampradäya is. Right now, the year is 2023. Just go back and just think that right now, the year is 1823. Just try to understand Gauòéya Vaiñëavism as if you are not in 2023, you are in 1823 or 1723. What Gauòéya Vaiñëava Sampradäya is? Because we are following exactly what was in 1623, 1723, 1823, 1923, 2023. We are following exactly the same. Don’t put institutional commentaries, logics in that.