whether putting Six Gosvämés in the altar of Narasiàha Deva, is it right or wrong?
Question- MAHÄRÄJA JÉ, whether putting Six Gosvämés in the altar of Narasiàha Deva, is it right or wrong?
MAHÄRÄJA JÉ- Well! Narasiàha Deva is a very frightening form of The Lord, very scary form of The Lord, very fierce form of the Lord. Even Lakñmé Devé fears going near Narasiàha Deva. And you are putting Six Gosvämés, means däsés of Rädhä Kåñëa on the altar of Narasiàha Deva. Is there any common sense to this?
Those who serve Rädhä Kåñëa in an esoteric way in the Nikuïjas of Våndävana, what are they doing in Vaikuëöha planet with Lord Narasiàha Deva? You go to any temple on the planet, you will see only those devotees are being put on the altar who eternally serve Lord Narasiàha Deva.
Ñaò Gosvämés are eternally liberated däsés of Rädhä and Kåñëa. They eternally serve Rädhä and Kåñëa in Bräja. They don’t serve Narasiàha Deva in Narasiàha loka. When they don’t serve, when they have got nothing to do, why you are putting their picture on the altar? First of all, understand that only the pictures of those saints should be put on Narasiàha Deva’s altar, who are eternally serving them.
There is a Sampradäya by which Lord Narasiàha Deva is being served. And they have a päratécular tilaka. Only by that tilaka, when you put, you get the fortune and the privilege and the right to serve Lord Narasiàha Deva’s Deity also. You need to have that tilaka.
And you don’t have that tilaka, you are putting Six Gosvämés; and tilaka of Gauòéya, and putting in altar of Vaikuëöha? Are you crazy??
Tilaka of Gauòéya, putting in the altar of Vaikuëöha, Lord Narasiàha Deva?!?
And eternal däsés of Rädhä and Kåñëa, you are putting them in altar of Vaikuëöha? Are you in your senses???
Now, tomorrow you will put Hanumäna Jé also on the altar of Lord Narasiàha Deva! He is also serving Lord Narasiàha Deva! Tomorrow you will put Hanumäna Jé on the altar of Rädhä Kåñëa also! You can do anything!
Why Hanumäna Jé is not put in the altar of Rädhä Kåñëa ?
Simply, because He is servant of Lord Räma, and not of Rädhä Kåñëa.
Similarly, Ñaò Gosvämés are däsés of Rädhä Kåñëa, and not servant of Lord Narasiàha Deva. Then why you are putting them there?
First of all, you cannot put Ñaò Gosvämés on the altar of Lord Narasiàha Deva. Secondly, tilaka plays a very major role in Vaikuëöha life also, in Navadvépa life also and in Goloka also. Tilaka plays a very important role in Vaikuëöha life also and also in Nitya Navadvépa. By that tilaka, it is the feeling of Sampradäya. Lord Narasiàha Deva is also worshipped via Sampradäya. They have a tilaka. Only Äcäryas of that tilaka are put on the altar, who have got no other desire than to serve Lord Narasiàha Deva.
If you go, there are other Sampradäyas which serve Rädhä Kåñëa as their däsé. One is Nimbärka Sampradäya, one is Haridäsé Sampradäya and Rädhä Vallabhé Sampradäya.
Imagine, if you put Haridäsé from Haridäsé picture on the altar of Lord Narasiàha Deva, all the Äcäryas of Haridäsé Sampradäya will call you mad! Why you are putting our däsé of Rädhä and Kåñëa on the altar of Lord Narasiàha Deva? Why you are putting them there?
If you put Hita Harivaàça, who is the Äcärya of Rädhä Vallabhé Sampradäya, and you put their picture on altar of Sétä Räma or Lord Narasiàha Deva, they will call you mad! Why you are putting our Äcärya there? He has got nothing to do there.
First of all, they have got nothing to do there. You are putting them there, it means that they must have some service there. Rüpa Gosvämé is having service, all Ñaò Gosvämés are having service for Rädhä Kåñëa. They have no service for Narasiàha Deva. What to do you think that they are going to sit on the altar eternally, ideally? Eternal ideal?
Eternal active saints are there on the altar, not eternally ideal. They have got nothing to do.
If you put Ñaò Gosvämé Picture on the altar, you think that they are just pictures or really Ñaò Gosvämés are there? You will say- Yes, Ñaò Gosvämés are really there. Can you imagine Rüpa Gosvämé and Sanätana Gosvämé sitting there ideally? And you come and they ask you- Why have you put us here? We have got nothing to do here. We have got no sevä here. Why you have put us here?
You will say- I don’t know.
They will say- We don’t know.
Let’s assume that Lord Narasiàha Deva starts speaking. He will say- Even I don’t know why you have been put here?
No one knows why they are on the altar of Lord Narasiàha Deva. Neither the Lord knows nor Ñaò Gosvämés nor you know. Then why have you done this?
Our institutional äcäryas did this.
Then ask your Mr. Holiness, why you did, what you did?
You are making joke of Sampradäya.
You are making joke of upäsanä.
No matter which form of the Lord is, you put Ñaò Gosvämés there! Varäha Lakñmé’s altar, put Ñaò Gosvämé there. Narasiàha Deva’s altar, you put Ñaò Gosvämé there. Are you crazy??? You are living in an imaginary world?
Sétä Räma Lakñmaëa Hanumäna altar is there and whom do we see äcäryas there? Again Ñaò Gosvämés! Ñaò Gosvämés are serving Rädhä Kåñëa or they are serving Räma or Narasiàha, Lakñmé Varäha and everyone? Don’t you even have common sense?
You are giving your life to such a cult, such an institution who is following not even ABCD of spiritual life! Zero awareness of spiritual life! 99.999999999% of the devotees of Iskcon, they don’t even know the meaning of Sampradäya.
They don’t know what is Gauòéya Vaiñëava Sampradäya?
Who should be put on altar?
What is the meaning of Maìgala Äraté?
What is Guru given Tilaka?
What are the Dékñä Mantaras?
Is Harinäma Dékñä? No answer to anything. Spending decades, 2-3-4-5 decades, and totally nérasa life.
Ask yourself! Why I am giving my life to an ordinary institutional cult, who does not follow anything?
You put Haridäsa Svämé picture or Hita Harivaàça picture on the altar of Narasiàha Deva.
They will ask you- Why have put our Äcärya’s picture in Narasiàha Deva’s altar? He doesn’t serve Narasiàha Deva. He serves Rädhä and Kåñëa. This is one thing. You do this practically.
Make a miniature altar of Narasiàha Deva or Sétä Räma and put their Haridäsa Svämé picture or Harivaàça picture and show them to their Äcäryas.
They will ask you 2 simple questions.
First, why you are putting our Äcäryas on the altar of someone, Narasiàha Deva or Sétä Räma. They have got nothing to do there. First question will be this.
Secondly, you will tell them that we daily do Maìgala Äraté of Narasiàha Deva and putting your Äcäryas in altar. You will request that you also do Maìgala Äraté of Narasiàha Deva. They will remove your obstacles in spiritual life. You also do Maìgala Äraté of Sétä Räma.
They will slap you on your face! They will tell you – We are upäsakas of Rädhä and Kåñëa, we are worshippers of Rädhä and Kåñëa. We will do Maìgala Äraté of Rädhä and Kåñëa. Why at all on Earth, we will do Maìgala Äraté of Narasiàha Deva or why we will do Maìgala Äraté of Sétä Räma?
Why daily any upäsaka of Rädhä Kåñëa will do Maìgala Äraté of any other form of the Lord?
Maìgala Äraté is done only of the form of the Lord whom we eternally want to serve. No Gauòéya Vaiñëava or no Rädhä Vallabhé or no Nimbärké should do Maìgala Äraté of Narasiàha Deva daily or Maìgala Äraté of Sétä Räma Lakñmaëa Hanumäna daily. There’s no need to do this. You see entire Gauòéya Vaiñëava Sampradäya. No one does this, except this cult called Iskcon or Gauòéya maöha.
Bhakti Siddhänta Sarasvaté completely ruined Gauòéya Vaiñëava Sampradäya by doing all imaginary stuff. And his followers are ruining it further.
Putting Ñaò Gosvämés in altar of Narasiàha Deva!?! Have some common sense!
If you don’t want to believe in us, go to other Sampradäya and tell them, we are putting Haridäsa Svämé, Hita Harivaàça on Narasiàha Deva’s altar. They will chastise you so badly, are you mad??
First of all, why should we attend Maìgala Äraté of Narasiàha Deva when we are attending Maìgala Äraté of Rädhä and Kåñëa. Can’t Rädhä Kåñëa save us?
Çaraëägati symptom is this. When we do çaraëägati to Rädhä and Kåñëa, They take care of the çaraëägata devotee. You are devoted to the other forms of the Lord?
Maìgala Äraté daily of any other Deity plus putting Ñaò Gosvämés picture on the altar! What is this? There’s no need to do Maìgala Äraté of any other form of the Lord. Only Rädhä Kåñëa and Païca tattva, and no one else!
Gaura Kiçora Däsa BäbäJé always did Maìgala Äraté of only these two.
Same Gaura Kiçora Däsa BäbäJé, same Bhakti Vinoda Öhäkura, same Jagannätha Däsa BäbäJé, they did Maìgala Äraté daily of only Païca tattva and Rädhä Kåñëa, not of any other form of the Lord.
At least stop being emotionally attached to some organization, fanatically attached to charismatic personality.
This will not give us prema sevä of Lord Gauräìga or Rädhä Kåñëa in the spiritual world. Never!
Don’t be under any illusion, O! My Äcärya said me that I will take you from here or there. No! You need a proper Dékñä lineage from 500-year-old unbroken parivära.