The time breathlessly waited for..
The time diligently prayed for..
The time desperately craved for..
The time tremendously cherished for..
It came It came..
Soon after the start of our new year- our revered ÇRÉ GURUDEVA’S ÄVIRBHÄVA DIVASA..
11th March 2019 marked the AUSPICIOUS beginning..
Of our 10 beautiful DREAMY DAYS..
When KARM Devotees were BLESSED..
As in Goloka, it’s always party, party and preparation for party.. likewise in KARM, where Goloka culture is lovingly practised by Devotees under the Divine Shelter of ÇRÉ GURUDEVA, there is always service, service and preparation for service..
The enthusiastic devotees planned for the Mäyäpur Trip 2019 months before the Trip.. Service messages began to pour in from all directions.. some asked for Prasäda, some for bus/rickshaw fares, some for boarding and lodging..while some Devotees crossed all limits and sponsored the fare for the entire train journey for all the Devotees.
Till the last day, the number of Devotees leaving for Parikramä was not known, for this year there were manyyyy devotees who became the part of the Trip at the last moment.. it was unexpected not only for others but even for themselves.. Even they could not believe that it is happening.. they are going.. Mahäprabhu’s Mercy did all.
It was 12th March when Devotees touched the Divine Bhümi of Çré Dhäma Mäyäpur.
The fortune of these Blessed Souls shone further… when on the very first day in Dhäma, ÇRÉ GURUDEVA BLESSED us with the Discourse explaining the fortune of coming in Navadvépa Dhäma and the sense of belongingness with Mahäprabhu. Simultaneously, a very huge palace of our sense gratification was broken to ashes by ÇRÉ GURUDEVA as we were BLESSED to hear the TALK on Addiction to Food and Overeating..
The lucky morning of the next day i.e. 13th of March saw the BLISSFUL beginning of the 5 days Parikramä through the nine Dvépas- Antardvépa, Rudradvépa, Sémantadvépa, Godrumdvépa, Madhyadvépa, Koladvépa, Åtudvépa, Jähanudvépa, Modudrumdvépa representing 9 aìgas of nine-fold devotional service (navadhä bhakti).
Every day Parikramä used to start at 4.30 am with heart touching Guru Vandanä and Vaiñëava Vandanä sung by Dhämaväsés..
Walking on the Gaura Padäìkita Bhümi, passing amidst huge coconut, palm, papaya, banana trees..ecstatically drowning in the nectarine Gaura Kértana Rasa, the Devotees lived each and every moment of the Parikramä celebrating their fortune.
Along with relishing the mellows of Gaura Rasa, we were Blessed with icing on the cake as ÇRÉ GURUDEVA showered the rains of THEIR AMÅTA VÄËÉ on us during the Parikramä Days.
All our misconceptions/illusions related to eating were again destroyed through further explanations on addiction to food delivered by ÇRÉ GURUDEVA. Not just that, ÇRÉ GURUDEVA EVEN Practically GUIDED us on how to overcome this addiction.
Further, ÇRÉ GURUDEVA also enlightened us by giving extensive never heard before, never thought before explanation of the very commonly heard but very rarely understood and followed sloka as spoken by Çréman Gauräìga Mahäprabhu Himself “Asatsaìga tyäga ei vaiñëava äcära“.
To add to our treasure, ÇRÉ GURUDEVA GAVE a very small yet very deep and concrete TALK on GURU TATTVA at the conclusion of Parikramä at Präcéna Mahäprabhu’s Janmasthalé, Präcéna Mäyäpur in the presence of Svarüpa Dämodara Bäbäjé, Bädala Bäbäjé and Advaita Bäbäjé and hundreds of Dhämaväsis. Through this TALK, ÇRÉ GURUDEVA EXPLAINED very precisely the Root Cause of Rädhä Kåñëa’s Happiness is the Pleasure of one’s Gurudeva.
Next day i.e. 18th of March was a rainy day.. though Devotees did not get drenched with the watery rain, the showers of mercy drenched them completely as they got the Opportunity to do Païca Kosé Parikramä.
We could have darçana of various Temples including Präcéna Mahäprabhu’s Janmasthalé, Çacé Mätä Äìgana etc. during the Parikramä.
Each day under ÇRÉ GURUDEVA’S DIVINE SHELTER is undoubtedly full of joy, and therefore the next day of our TRIP also brought with itself a joyous surprise in the form of the rarest Opportunity to go to Ekchakra Dhäma, the birthplace of our Lord Çréman Nityänanda Prabhu. We being in Nityänanda Parivära, it was a great pride, a great honour, a very very special Blessing for us all to be blessed with the splendid DARÇANA of Nitäicända’s Vihära Bhümi.
During such 1 day Trip to Ekchakra Dhäma, we got the Opportunity to go to various temples- Nitäi Janmasthäna, revealing spot of Çré Bäìkä Räya, Kardama Khaëòé Äçrama, Çaktiçela lélä sthäna, Çré Jagannätha Mandira, Pancapäëòava Talä, Bäìkäräya Temple, Bäìkäräya Antaradhäna Sthala Jänukuëòa, Lord Nityänanda Näbhé buried place, Padmävaté Kuëòa to name a few.
Furthermore, we, KARM Devotees, were the most blessed ones as “Ati Güòha Nityänanda” was revealed by our revered ÇRÉ GURUDEVA at the Vihära Bhümi, the Padäìkita Bhümi of our Çréman Nityänanda Prabhu.
We could also go to Yäjigräma, the lélä bhümi of Çré Çré Çréniväsa Äcärya, an eternal associate of Çréman Mahäprabhu on our way to Ekchakra Dhäma.
And like this, the merciful day, Gaura Pürëimä arrived and we got blessed to celebrate this occasion under the shelter of our most merciful ÇRÉ GURUDEVA. As always, the preparations for the festival had started from the earlier day with the shopping for vegetables, fruits etc and the enthusiastic Devotees began cooking for the Festival early in the morning on the Gaura Pürëimä Day.
In the afternoon, we left for Temple Darçana, when we visited Çré Gaura Kiçora Däsa Bäbäjé Samädhi, Birthplace of Devé Viñëupriyä, Lakñmépriyä, Çréväsa Äìgana, Sonära Gauräìgo, Samäjabäré, Dhämeçvara Mahäprabhu, Mahäprabhu’s Janmasthalé, to name a few.
Then we were blessed with the opportunity to witness ABHIÑEKA of Lord Gaura by ÇRÉ GURUDEVA amidst Ullu Dhvani, Conchshell and Kértanas.
Further, the evening of the Auspicious Gaura Pürëimä became all the more auspicious when ÇRÉ GURUDEVA Blessed us by explaining the right way to do mantra smaraëa, meaning of Gäyatré Mantras through the LECTURE on Gauräìgäya Svähä. The cutting of ann cake and non ann cake beautifully reflecting Mahäprabhu’s Gaìgä Snana lélä by ÇRÉ GURUDEVA was relished by the blessed Devotees, which was followed by opportunity to do offerings for Blessings to ÇRÉ GURUDEVA by the Devotees. Grand feasting was honoured by the Devotees thereafter.
Last but not the least, the last day of this year’s Navadvépa Trip brought with it highly unexpected and blissful memories when our ALL ALL MERCIFUL ÇRÉ GURUDEVA AGAIN BLESSED us more with a TALK in HIS ROOM..enlightening us on what Prayers should be done by a Devotee on his birthday..
And then the most unwished and never wanted for moment arrived when ÇRÉ GURUDEVA left from the Dhäma, leaving everyone with eyes filled with tears of separation and hearts filled with gratitude for the unconditional love ÇRÉ GURUDEVA showered on everyone.
With this, though the 10 beautiful days came to an end virtually, but it didn’t ended in the hearts of the Devotees as their hearts got overfilled and enriched with the memories, the moments, the unexplainable joy, the ecstasy to be relished and cherished throughout the year…desperately waiting and planning for the next Navadvépa Parikramä..