The ever-blissful, ever-relishable and ever-beautiful Mäyäpur Trip became all the more blissful, relishable and beautiful in the year 2018. The memorable trip was from Feb 22, 2018 till March 2, 2018 during which each devotee felt ÇRÉ GURUDEVA’S Mercy being showered in ever-increasing way each day.
This year devotees were not only blessed with the opportunity to do Navadvépa Parikramä, but also to be a part of Gaura Maëòala Parikramä, Yäträ to Guru-sthäna (Misha-grama) and Païca-Kosé Parikramä.
Beginning with the night long train journey, devotees felt being cared & loved all the time. Devotees (not being able to make up for the Trip) all the way picked train devotees from their homes and dropped them at railway station. Not just that, devotees also sent big bags and cartons of dry Prasädaà (cheese slices, biscuits, namkeens, jams, milk bottles, bhel puri etc.) for devotees for the journey.
As we reached Vardhamäna Station, we took a 2 hour journey by bus to Navadvépa Dhäma.
After paying obeisances to the Dhäma, we entered Äçrama where we were humbly welcomed by devotees (who were already there). They served refreshing coconut water and then Lunch Prasädaà lovingly prepared by them.
The most blessed and most awaited moment came.. the moment which is craved by one and all.. the moment when we were blessed with ÇRÉ GURUDEVA Darçana and thus our Navadvépa Parikramä commenced under the All-Auspicious Association and Allegiance of our revered ÇRÉ GURUDEVA.
As is stated in the Scriptures, Navadvépa Parikramä is one of the most important Limb of devotion for a Gauòéya Vaiñëava and KARM Devotees are those blessed souls to be able to perform this limb every year.
During the first three days, we did Navadvépa Parikramä (Parikramä of Nine Dvépas) in the krama (sequence) laid down in Bhakti Ratnäkara Grantha- Antardvépa, Rudradvépa, Sémantadvépa, Godruma, Madhyadvépa, Koladvépa, Åtudvépa, Jähanudvépa and Modudrumdvépa.. beginning from Mahäprabhu’s Janamsthalé. In these Dvépas, we had the fortune to visit Jagannätha Temple, Cända Käzé Samädhi, Jagäi Mädhäi Ghäöa, Gaura Gadädhara Temple, Pen Tree to name a few. Further to our fortune, we were enlightened with the significance of each Dvépa.
It was our utmost fortune to hear Sevä Tattva and Äsvädana Tattva Lectures from ÇRÉ GURUDEVA during the Parikramä.
We also had the opportunity to attend and participate in Maìglä Äraté, Prabhäté Kértanas and Sandhyä Äratés.
On 27th Feb, we were blessed with the opportunity to do Gaura Maëòala Parikramä.
ÇRÉ GURUDEVA mercifully took us to places- Rädhä Gopénätha Temple in Agradvépa, Nüpura Kuëòa, Kälä Kåñëa Däsa Samädhi, Jagäi Mädhäi Samädhi, Yäji Gräma, Vigraha of Çréniväsa Äcäryajé etc. about which even devotees have not heard in their lifetime of 10-20 years of chanting Hare Kåñëa, what to talk of going there. Visiting such places was an undreamt reality made true by our ÇRÉ GURUDEVA.
We also had Darçana of Mädhavé Våkña, standing strong for 600 years now, under which Mahäprabhu used to take rest. By ÇRÉ GURUDEVA MERCY, we could be a part to visit places of Mahäprabhu’s Sannyäsa Lélä- Madhu Pramäëika Näé Bäòhé and Bhajana Sthalé (where Mahäprabhu stayed for 7 days before Sannyäsa), Çré Gauräìga Mandira in Katwä, the exact place where Mahäprabhu took Sannyäsa from Keçava Bhäraté, etc.
On the same day ÇRÉ GURUDEVA Gave us the master key to success in spiritual life- Life LECTURE. What is life, how is it given and why is it given, how to remain detached while in family life- all questions were answered in detail by ÇRÉ GURUDEVA.
The following day 28th Feb, was the historic day. It was the day to witness and learn the love ÇRÉ GURUDEVA has for HIS GURU AND GURU PARAMPARÄ. We started in the early morning hours at 4.15 am by car to Jhäldä, a city in Puruliä district of West Bengal, around 10 hours drive from Navadvépa. We were blessed with the opportunity to visit Birthplace, Puñpa Samädhi of Paraà Gurudeva Çré Çré Kuïja Bihäré Däsa Bäbäjé Mahäräja.
We also had the fortune to have Darçana of the palace made by King Uddhava for Bhägavat Kathä by Parätpara Guru Çré Çré Gopäla Canda Öhäkura Gosvämé Mahäräja of our Nityänanda Lineage.
We were also obliged to meet the first disciple of Çré Çré Ananta Däsa Bäbäjé Mahäräja. He along with His family gave us a heartily welcome. On the way Devotees did Kértanas, discussions and relishing and thus seemingly long journey of 10 hours got concluded tirelessly.
It was then the merciful day of the appearance day of the Lord’s most merciful incarnation- Gaura Pürëimä.. the appearance day of Gauräìga Mahäprabhu. For us, it became all the more merciful by the Merciful GURUDEVA.
While the early morning hours were spent in the cooking sevä for the Festival, in the afternoon we went for Païca Kosé Parikramä.
It was our fortune to visit Çré Gaura Kiçora Däsa Bäbäjé Mahäräja’s Samädhi, Advaita Äìgana, Çyäma Rädhä Vinodiné Mandira, Mahäprabhu Viçräma Sthäna, Birth place of Devé Viñëupriyä & Lakñmépriyä, etc.
We also went to Nirdayé Ghäöa where we witnessed Dhämaväsés doing püjä of Gaìgäjé and thereafter carrying Gaìgä water in their containers (loöä- globular container of brass) with the feeling that “I will do abhiñeka of my Gaura with this jala.”
At Mahäprabhu’s Janamsthalé, we participated in the Kértana and Abhiñeka Darçana of Mahäprabhu amidst huge crowd and ulu dhvani.
We were also blessed to witness Mahäprabhu’s Abhiñeka by our revered ÇRÉ GURUDEVA.
This was followed by enlightenment by ÇRÉ GURUDEVA. ÇRÉ GURUDEVA beautifully described Mahäprabhu’s unparallel beauty, Mahäprabhu’s Rasamaya Jagannätha Darçana and how to enter into Mahäprabhu’s nitya lélä.
It was then the time for cutting of ann and Yogapéöha-shaped non-ann cakes. Grand feasting followed thereafter.
Besides being the most memorable and most relishable trip, it was an exemplification of ÇRÉ GURUDEVA’s Teachings, as under guidance, devotees spent each day each moment of the trip in a loving, caring and serving way. All Glories to ÇRÉ GURUDEVA and HIS Teachings which enlighten, inspire and facilitate serving attitude in devotees.
Not only did devotees served coconut water, ice-creams, samosas, lassi, dahi, fruits etc. to all (which we witness every year in a more & more enthusiastic and loving way), sevä bhäva of devotees reached newer heights this year.
While one devotee couple contributed fully in the accommodation charges for devotees’ stay, another sponsored travelling expenses of devotees for Païca-Kosé, Gaura Maëòala Parikramä. Some devotees contributed for Lunch Prasädaà during Gaura Maëòala Parikramä, while another in Misha-grama Yäträ. Garlands for the trip for ÇRÉ GURUDEVA were designed and sent all the way from Kolkata to Navadvépa by devotees’ clients.. such is the attraction of our All-Attractive ÇRÉ GURUDEVA. Not just that a close relative of a devotee staying in Allahabad specially got opulent Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Prasädaà made at his place and sent for train devotees through his employees.
This way 10-day trip became the trip of our lifetime, leaving all of us waiting eagerly for the next Mäyäpur Trip.