Keep on Chanting, Svarüpa will be revealed…!!
Question– MAHÄRÄJA JÉ, there is a devotee in Våndävana. He has been chanting since last 30 years and his leader tells him that you keep on chanting, your relationship with the Lord will be revealed, also your svarüpa will get revealed, if you keep on chanting like this. So, he is asking how long he needs to chant. It’s been 30 years since he has been chanting. Please enlighten on this question.
MAHÄRÄJA JÉ – Chanting reveals your Svarüpa. How you look like? How Lord looks like? How you serve the Lord?
Chanting reveals all of this. Chanting reveals svarüpa, chanting doesn’t reveal Sambandha. Chanting reveals Svarüpa but chanting doesn’t reveal Sambandha. Why?
Because relationship with the Lord in particular Rasa is established at the time of Initiation. At the time of Dékñä, a particular relationship with the Lord is established by the Spiritual Master. All Sampradäyas they gave one bhäva only and all the Spiritual Masters in that Sampradäya will give the Bhäva of the Sampradäya into the heart of the new devotee, at the time of Dékñä.
So, if a devotee is in the is in Räma Sampradäya, he will get Dékñä, the béja of being a Räma däsa from that Sampradäya.
Çréla Jéva Gosvämé tells us about Dékñä in his Grantha, Bhakti Sandarbha. He quotes the Çästra -
divyaà jïänaà yato dadyät
kuryät päpasya saìkñayam
tasmäddékñeti sä proktä
deçikais tattva-kovidaiù
Bhakti Sandarbha (Paragraph 283)
That which bestows divine knowledge and destroys all sins is called Dékñä by the Äcäryas who know the truth.
That which bestows divine knowledge, divine knowledge about whom? Divine knowledge about the Lord whom you are going to serve eternally and your relationship with the Lord in which relationship you are going to serve the Lord eternally.
Çréla Jéva Gosvämé in Bhakti Sandarbha 283. He tells give commentary he tells –
divyaà jïänaà hy atra çrémati mantre bhagavat-svarüpa-jïänaà tena bhagavatä sambandha-viçeña-jïänaà ca
He is telling here that divyaà jïänaà yato dadyät. Dékñä means divyaà jïänaà yato dadyät. Bestowing of divya jïäna and He is giving commentary again on this, He is telling what is “divya jïäna”? “divya jïänaà” here means “divyam jïänaà hy atra” here it means, the knowledge about the Lord’s identity which lies in the Mantra, along with a specific knowledge of Jéva’s relationship with the Lord.
It means the devotee is getting initiated into his relationship with the Lord and knowledge about the Lord. It is all there; it is established at the time of initiation. All Sampradäya bestow only one bhäva and the Spiritual Master bestowed that bhäva on his disciple.
So, the question itself is not right that Chanting will reveal relationship. Relationship is already established at the time of Dékñä, if one is in a Proper Bonafide Sampradäya.
If you are in Rädhä Vallabhaya’s Sampradäya, very plain and simple, you are worshippers of Rädhä-Kåñëa, as their däsé.
If in Haridäsé you all are worshiper of Rädhä-Kåñëa as a däsé.
Same in Gauòéya Vaiñëava Sampradäya. We are worshipers of Rädhä Kåñëas as their däsé.
So, the question is wrong that your relationship will be revealed. Relationship was established, it is not going to be revealed, it is already established. Relationship is going to be revealed???
After 30 years you don’t even know what your relationship with the Lord is? And even a kid in any other Sampradäya will know his relationship with the Lord. Svarüpa, chanting will reveal.
kaliyuga kevala näma adhära
In kaliyuga, chanting of the holy names of the Lord is the only solution for revealing your svarüpa but relationship is established at the time of initiation only. This is what Çréla Jéva Gosvämé is telling. Chanting doesn’t reveal your relationship, chanting reveals your svarüpa. Relationship is bestowed by the Sampradäya. Common-sense understanding– which Sampradäya you are in, that relationship you have with the Lord. It is a common-sense understanding. Seed of your eternal relationship with the Lord is given by The Spiritual Master. Seed–
brahmäëòa bhramite kona bhägyavän jéva;
guru-kåñëa prasäde päya bhakti-latä béja
(Caitanya Caritämåta Madhya 19.151)
That béja is the eternal relationship with the Lord. Your eternal relationship with the Lord, the béja, the seed of that is bestowed at the time of initiation. From the ears that béja is bestowed and is established in your heart by the Dékñä Mantras.
This question is wrong. I don’t even know my relationship with the Lord.
Do you know the meaning of Sampradäya? You don’t know the meaning of Gauòéya Vaiñëava Sampradäya that means. Even after 30 years this devotee doesn’t even know the meaning of Sampradäya and doesn’t even know the meaning of Gauòéya Vaiñëava Sampradäya. That is why he is asking this question.
Chanting will reveal the svarüpa.
How you look like exactly? How your nose is? How your face is? How your body is? How Kåñëa looks like? That chanting will reveal but not the relationship. Chanting reveals svarüpa, chanting doesn’t reveal Sambandha. Sambandha is already established at the time of Initiation.
And these institutions, they say that you are not qualified for Rädhä-Kåñëa bhakti. You fools, already the relationship is established, eternal relationship is established and you are saying that you are not qualified. Despite getting the seed for that eternal relationship with the Lord, you are saying you are not qualified.
Nimbarkis are qualified.
Rädhävallabhis are qualified.
Haridäsé’s are qualified.
Only you are not qualified, Iskcon Gauòéya Maöha devotees.
Such unfortunate people you are on the planet Earth, only you people are not even qualified for serving Rädhä-Kåñëa. Rest everyone associated with them is qualified.
And the Spiritual Master who gives you Mantra Dékñä, He is your Eternal Spiritual Master in Nitya Navadvépa. In the spiritual world of Navadvépa that Gurudeva gives you Mantra Dékñä, Kåñëa Mantra, Kåñëa Gäyatré etc. He is your eternal Spiritual Master in the Spiritual World. And He is only your Guru Maïjaré in Nitya Vraja in the realm of Våndävana eternally. Neither you know your svarüpa nor you know your Guru’s Svarüpa and you are practising some form of spirituality in Gauòéya Vaiñëava Sampradäya???
Everyone in Jagannätha Däsa Bäbäjé’s lineage, Bhaktivinoda Öhäkura, everyone knows, our lords are Rädhä-Kåñëa, we are the däsé’s of Rädhä-Kåñëa. Our Guru’s are also the däsé’s of Rädhä Kåñëa, their Guru’s are däsé’s of Rädhä Kåñëa, the entire Sampradäya is däsé’s of Rädhä Kåñëa. What is new to know?
You, in the cult called Iskcon or Gauòéya Maöha, you don’t even know your svarüpa, you don’t even know your Guru’s svarüpa and you are practising some form of spirituality.
Someone says my Guru is a Sakhä, someone thinks Prabhupäda is a Sakhé and someone says, he is a Maïjaré and someone thinks, in Vätsalya Rasa. Is this Spirituality, is this Sampradäya? Leave aside Iskcon, Gauòéya Maöha. Go to entire Gauòéya Vaiñëava Sampradäya, even a child can answer, all our Guru Paramparä are däsé’s of Rädhä and Kåñëa.
What is so difficult to understand? Why don’t you accept the simple fact?
That the béja, the relationship béja is given at the time of initiation. This is what Jéva Gosvämé, Ñaòa Gosvämé’s are telling very clearly. Relationship with the Lord is established at the time of initiation.
And Harinäma is not Dékñä, Harinäma is not Dékñä.
Giving one example – My Gurudeva Çréla Ananta Däsa Bäbäjé Mahäräja. Let’s assume he gave Harinäma to some Mädhava Däsa. Bäbäjé is not there anymore and even he was present at the planet, then Mädhava Däsa takes initiation from Bäbäjé’s disciple., let’s say Keçava Däsa. Then Mädhava Däsa, who got Harinäma from Ananta Däsa Bäbäjé but got initiation from Keçava Däsa Bäbäjé, he will not be a disciple of Ananta Däsa Bäbäjé, he will be an eternal disciple of Keçava Däsa Bäbäjé.
Or if he gets initiation from Me, then that person who got Harinäma from Ananta Däsa Bäbäjé, will not be His disciple, he will be My disciple.
And if I have given Harinäma to someone and somehow, he takes initiation from, let’s say, Kåñëa Däsa Bäbäjé then he will not be My disciple, he will be a disciple of Kåñëa Däsa Bäbäjé. Then Kåñëa Däsa Bäbäjé will be his Eternal Guru in the Spiritual World.. Navadvépa and his Guru Maïjaré in Våndävana also.
Be very clear, Harinäma is not Dékñä. Go to any Sampradäya. It is just a preliminary phase. Harinäma is not an absolute must, that one must get Harinäma and after that only one gets Dékñä as it is done in Iskcon.
Like 150 to 200 people left Iskcon when I left, so many of them got Dékñä directly and few of them got Harinäma. It’s not an absolute must. The Guru sees to whom one should be given Dékñä and to whom one should be given Harinäma.
Harinäma is not an absolute must. Çréniväsa Äcärya didn’t receive Harinäma from Gopäla Bhatta Gosvämé. At the time of Dékñä he also got Siddha Praëälé also.
You don’t know your relationship with the Lord even after 30 years means…You have not understood what Sampradäya is… What is Gauòéya Vaiñëava Sampradäya…What has Mahäprabhu come to give…You haven’t read any scripture properly…
Mahäprabhu had come to give which He never gave earlier… ‘anarpita-caréà’ . You are a Rüpanugä. For God’s sake at least understand this çloka – ‘anarpita-caréà’ …which was not bestowed earlier. Sakhya Rasa was bestowed earlier. Däsaya was bestowed earlier. Gopé bhäva also. Vätsalya bhäva also. Only service of Rädhä-Kåñëa was not bestowed earlier in Parkiya Bhäva. Only Lord Caitanya came here to give. And you still don’t have a clue what your relationship with the Lord is?
Very clear, all Gauòéya Vaiñëavas are däsés of Rädhä and Kåñëa. What’s so secretive about it?
And again, in this verse in Caitanya Candrämåta Grantha – Verse 112 is very clearly mentioned when Mahäprabhu bestowed this Prema upon everyone service of Rädhä and Kåñëa.
stré-puträdi-kathäà jahur viñayiëaù çästra-pravädaà budhä
yogéndrä vijahur marun-niyama-ja-kleçaà tapas täpasäù
jïänäbhyäsa-vidhià jahuç ca yatayaç caitanya-candre paräm
äviñkurvati bhakti-yoga-padavéà naivänya äséd rasaù
No other Rasa remained on planet Earth. Only servitude to Rädhä and Kåñëa. naivänya äséd rasaù. No other Rasa remained. Only servitude to Rädhä and Kåñëa.
The problem with most of the Iskcon devotees is… They don’t understand the meaning of Sampradäya. They don’t understand what Gauòéya Vaiñëava Sampradäya is. They don’t understand what Mahäprabhu has come here to give.
Keep on chanting it will reveal svarüpa, of course it will., but not relationship. Relationship is already established at the time of initiation.
And this question– no Gauòéya Vaiñëava ever had 150 years ago because they know Bhakti Siddhänta and this Iskcon, khicaòé philosophy there. Everyone was very clear.
Gauòéya Vaiñëava simply means Gaura däsa and Rädhä Kåñëa däsé. Chanting will reveal svarüpa. Of Course, it will. You tell me what is so difficult to understand in this. In Half 10 seconds I have explained to you the entire Gauòéya Vaiñëavism.
And we see most of the devotees in Iskcon, they get Harinäma only. And if you asked them if you got a so-called second initiation, they said ‘no’. Chanting will only reveal our svarüpa and we go to the Spiritual World even without getting Mantra Dékñä.
For once and for all, please understand– Harinäma is just an initial phase in a devotee’s life. One must have to get Mantra Dékñä. Harinäma, as I explain to you, like Ananta Däsa Bäbäjé disciple, Mädhava däsa, even upon getting Harinäma from a Siddha Saint Ananta Däsa Bäbäjé, his relationship with the Lord was not established. After getting initiation from Keçav Däsa Bäbäjé or any other Bäbäjé or any other Saint Mantra Dékñä only then eternal relationship with the Lord is established.
So, without Mantra Dékñä your eternal relationship with the Lord is not established, please understand this once and for all.
Have heard that people think that, second initiation they say. It’s not a second initiation. It is the ONLY initiation. And it is not Brähmaëé Dékñä it is Vaiñëavé Dékñä. Dékñä means by which you become a Vaiñëava. Vaiñëava means by which you have a specific relation with the Lord. And people think that one requires a second initiation only if one wants to serve “Deities”. This is a unique concept only in Iskcon. You need Mantra Dékñä only if you want to serve “Deities”.
Is there any logic to it?
Jéva Gosvämé says, you get Mantra Dékñä and by that you get seed of eternal relationship with the Lord. You don’t understand this thing. Harinäma will bestow but without relationship Harinäma will not bestow that. You have to take birth again, then you will take initiation from a proper Gauòéya Vaiñëava lineage, unbroken lineage proper Mantra Dékñä, that Guru will become your Eternal Guru. If you have got Harinäma and you have not got Mantra Dékñä, then you have not got Eternal Guru. You are an orphan even now. Even after getting Harinäma you are kind of an orphan. Orphan means no father, no shelter on your head.
At the time of initiation, in Gauòéya Vaiñëava Sampradäya, you get your Eternal Father, Eternal Guru and you get Eternal Tilaka. At the time of Harinäma you can get Harinäma from any parivära but the devotee who gave you initiation, the Guru who gave you initiation, Mantra Dékñä that Tilaka will be your Eternal Tilaka.
Most of the devotees in Iskcon, their life goes in ignorance, thinking that I have got initiated. Well, they never get initiated; they have got only Harinäma. 95% of the devotees they get only Harinäma and they think they got initiated. And even after getting initiation, there is no point of getting initiation from broken Paramparä, from a made up Paramparä. The initiation also has to be from an unbroken Paramparä which is 500 years old. Only then the relationship with the Lord is established.