KARM Devotees got the most Fortunate Opportunity to celebrate the 15th Anniversary of our Präëapriya Lélädhäré DEITIES with much grandeur & opulence.

The DEITIES Appeared before us 15 years ago, in the most precious & merciful presence of ÇRÉ BÄBÄJÉ MAHÄRÄJA. These DEITIES, our heart & soul, are the very life of ÇRÉ GURUDEVA. They did not have an ordinary appearance. As the adjective suggests, ‘Lélädhäré’ DEITIES disappeared for 2 days before coming to MAHÄRÄJA JÉ.

As if, They didn’t want to be found until after Nåsiàha Caturdaçé, so that THEIR Appearance Day can be a feastful celebration, instead of a fasting day!! Their MERCY appeared even before They themselves did…

As Guru and the Lord are non different, Their vision starts way after our vision ends. And, for the service of the Servitor Lord (GURUDEVA), the Supreme Lord does anything…

So, it goes without saying, that Their Hide & Seek Lélä for 2 days was no coincidence or mistake.. It was the DEITIES desire to appear later than the planned day. ÇRÉ GURUDEVA’S heart is Their Land of love. So, They finally got blissfully situated at the Abode of MAHÄRÄJA JI on May 9th, 2009.

Once coming into this Shelter, anyone can give crores of lives for ÇRÉ GURUDEVA & DEITIES. Such is Their MERCIFUL presence. As KARM Devotees feel, They are non different from ÇRÉ GURUDEVA.

Hence, celebrating THEIR 15th Anniversary, would be the most joyous & magnificent thing.

We started preparing a month or two before the Function. As badh jévas cannot perceive the Lord directly, hence Lord takes the Compassionate form of GURUDEVA and appears in front of disciples to give them the nectar of love and happiness.

So for us, every Function, every celebration is a way to extend feelings of gratitude for ÇRÉ GURUDEVA, without whom, nothing would exist.

ÇRÉ GURUDEVA’S All-Blissful, All-Giving Darñana and opportunities to serve, are eagerly awaited at KARM; like it will be the first time or the last time.

Hence, everyone wants it to be the best; rather, better than best. Our Seniors, our revered MATAJI are utmost sensitive towards curating and executing the most perfect planning for THAT ONE DAY when our PRÄËA-DHANA would come in front of us, to BLESS us.

Meticulous trainings on service attitude were introduced in our weekly classes, which resulted in loving inclination towards KARM Functions…

Each Devotee came up with newer and unique ideas to serve and make this Day even more memorable.

2No festivities are small in KARM. Everything is full of Opulence & Granduer, and so was our venue and the mesmerizing decor, executed perfectly by none other than KARM Devotees.

56 BhogaOn the Day of celebration, the morning saw bulks of 56 bhoga, loaded in cars, jumbos, cartons… There were tables full of 56 bhogas coming in… After few hours we ended up arranging a plethora of 56 bhoga on a beautiful long runway, & on both sides were tables filled to T with extravagant, lavish & supremely opulent 56 bhogas from various states all over India, for all four Lords, all divided into categories of food types.

The lore of KARM 56 Bhogas is massively magnificent. In 2015 what started as 500 bhogas, had this year turned into 7000+ Bhogas within a span of mere 15 years. It is beyond human conception what Love gives… It actually gives all.

Theme of the Day was “Chatrachäyä of ÇRÉ GURUDEVA”.

The Umbrella, the SHELTER of ÇRÉ GURUDEVA, which has given the most protected home to one and all, was highlighted. Decoration themes have always carried a beautiful meaning, carries our thankfulness for what we have received in the shelter of ÇRÉ GURUDEVA.. & What KARM stands for…!

Once everything was set, it was time for arrival of our PRÄËA-DHANA, and THEIR PRÄËA-DHANA DEITIES.

5The hall was filled with sounds of Karatäla, Ullü Dhvani, Bumpers, Mådaìgas to welcome our LORD and auspiciousness took over the entire place as soon as ÇRÉ GURUDEVA entered.

After enchanting Äratés of DEITIES, it was time for ÇRÉ Bhoga Offering. GURUDEVA’S unforgettable Guidance was bestowed upon us, on how to offer bhogas. During each Bhoga Offering, kértanas were performed, calling each of the Lords to kindly accept every Bhoga offering…

ÇRÉ GURUDEVA’S tenderness and care for DEITIES is beyond words. The way ÇRÉ GURUDEVA purified every single item out of 7000 and checked if Tulasé was kept in each of them, shows the insurmountable affection for DEITIES.

6And ÇRÉ GURUDEVA are establishing our utmost close connection with DEITIES, so that we can rightfully tell them, “If You skip even one Bhoga offering, I will commit suicide… You have to eat all of them.”

This way ÇRÉ GURUDEVA are developing our single pointed loving attachment for our Éñöa…

This intoxicating affection of ÇRÉ GURUDEVA for us, has got us completely sold off at THEIR LOTUSFEET… KARM Devotees are truly inundated with Nectarean BLESSINGS.

Thereafter, ÇRÉ GURUDEVA enlightened us with the right way of doing Bhajanas & Prayers, so that we may understand that this is actually what Bhajana is, nothing else..

Following the final bhoga offering, we re-lived the previous glorious 15 years of DEITIES Anniversary celebrations, through a documentary prepared by KARM Devotees.

8Thereafter, ÇRÉ GURUDEVA’S all purifying, eye opening, revolutionary ÇRÉ MUKHA VÄËÉ blessed us, the topic for which was – “Emergency ~ time is very less”.

We got to know about the dire need for change, the urgency of taking voluntary retirement right now, and the horrific end if we fail to do so. Unparalleled explanations from Bhagavad Gétä were given to us as a form of ÇRÉ GURUDEVA’S MERCY.

A fortunate Devotee was blessed with Her Ekädaça Bhäva, Her Siddha Praëälé..

We were generously & heavily drenched in the endless oceanic waves of ÇRÉ GURUDEVA’S Vätsalya. Just like Çrématé’s loving endearment towards her maidservants, it was truly unmatched.

We, baddha jévas, are always unable to behold with our two eyes, the form of ÇRÉ GURUDEVA, filled with the sweet nectar of splendid passionate pure love of Rädhäräné; and we always yearn for more, but the time came when the programme had to end.

9Shoreless Ocean of Transcendental Love, Shoreless Ocean of Mercy- ÇRÉ GURUDEVA did the grand cake cutting and finally Guided us the importance of renunciation from sweet tooth. Even a single desire of having sweets can stop us from going to Bhagavad Dhäma.

Influenced by deep loving attachment towards the LOTUSFEET of ÇRÉ GURUDEVA, with gratitude in our hearts, while cherishing these moments deeply, we await for the next Merciful meeting with our Beloved MAHÄRÄJA JÉ .