Day 1
Our first, most-awaited Braja Maëòala Parikramä with our revered ÇRÉ GURUDEVA, by the Lord’s mercy, commenced on October 5, 2023… the preparations, the arrangements for which, were lovingly done months before, under the direct Guidance of ÇRÉ GURUDEVA and MATAJI.
84 Kosa Braja Maëòala Parikramä encompasses Våndävana, Mathurä, Barasänä, Govardhana, and other parts of Braja Bhümi.
KARM Devotees embarked on the first day of Braja Maëòala Parikramä from Delhi to Våndävana. Devotees from different states like- Kolkata, Orissa, Chennai, Nepal etc. also joined.
After more than 3 hours of driving, we reached at Rädhäräné’s Dhäma “Våndävana”, where Kåñëa is engaged in the relishment of the mellows of various transcedental pastimes with Çrématé Rädhäräné and sakhés. It is said in the Scriptures that Kåñëa never leaves Våndävana, even once.
The first day of Braja Maëòala Parikramä began from Våndävana Dhäma Parikramä, with Guru Vandanä and Gaura Kértanas, with full vim and valour.
All the Lélä Sthalés, temples in Våndävana are within a walking distance of 4-5 minutes.
Following the footsteps of the Lord of our Hearts (ÇRÉLA GURUDEVA), we circumambulated the Braja Dhäma, covering many significant Lélä Sthalés, our Gauòéya Vaiñëava Äcärya’s sevita Vigraha Temples, and Samädhis in the given order:
- Vaàçévaöa
- Gopeçvara Mahädeva
- Nidhivana
- Sevä Kuïja
- Imlé Talä
- Nüpura Präpti Sthäna
- Rädhä Çyämasundara
- Rädhä Dämodara Temple
- Rädhä Ramaëa Jé Temple
- Gopäla Bhaööa Gosvämé Jé Samädhi
- Rädhä Gokulänanda Jé + Samädhis
- Rädhä Gopénätha Jé Temple
- Rädhä Govinda Deva Jé Temple
- Cauìsaöhé Mahanta Samädhi Temple
- Raìganätha Jé Temple
- Brahmä Kuëòa
- Mahätmä Lälä Bäbu Mandira
Though, as Scriptures proclaim, mere wandering in Dhäma bestows great great results… KARM Devotees were further blessed, to not mere wander… but to visit the Sthalés, with Kathä on the significance of each Sthalé… in context to Gauòéya Vaiñëavism…!!
Yogapéöha Sevä… is a very important part of daily sädhanä of devotees initiated in Gauòéya Vaiñëava Lineage. A small but very important Talk on how to do Smaraëa of Yogapéöha Maëi-Mandira, on it’s opulence was mercifully delivered by MAHÄRÄJA JÉ.
Day 2
With the same spirit and energy as before, we resumed our Braja Maëòala Parikramä from Våndävana to Govardhana, via Mathurä on Day 2.
The Puräëas and Upaniñads exclaim that Braja Bhümi is adorned with 12 Mahävanas, 24 Upavanas, 365 Kuëòas and 365 Villages.
On the second day, we performed the circumambulations of four Mahävanas. Of these, Açoka Vana, the home of Çré Bhatrauìòha Bihäré Jé, is located five kilometers from Våndävana.
From there, we had the fortune to visit the temple of Akrüra Jé, less than one kilometre from Açoka Vana. Despite being a very important place, specially for Gauòéya Vaiñëavas, for, Çréman Mahäprabhu spent 15 days here, hardly anyone goes there.
In Mathurä, we paid our respect to Kåñëa Janmabhümi, the site of Lord Kåñëa’s birth, and visited the well-known Kaàsa Kärägära (Jail), where Kåñëa made His first appearance in the Prakaöa Lélä.
While the significance of all these places were being narrated, ÇRÉ GURUDEVA used to repeatedly remind us to remain situated in our bhäva… ‘Maïjaré Bhäva’…!!
As we proceeded towards Govardhana, on our way, we paid our salutations to the other three Mahävanas, namely Madhuvana, Tälavana, and Kumudavana, in the same sequence.
- Madhuvana, twenty minutes from Mathurä, is the site where, in Satyuga, Mahäräja Dhruva performed austerities, and in Tretäyuga, Lord Räma’s brother Çatrughana delivered the demon Lavaëäsura.
- Nearly 6 kms from Madhuvana is Tälavana, where Balaräma Däu delivered the demon Dhenukäsura. This place is also significant for all the KARM devotees, as here ÇRILA GURUDEVA causelessly blessed us all with our very first Braja Maëòala Lecture, “Braja Dhäma Mahätmya”.
- The last stop of our second day was Kumudavana (5.26 kms from Tälavana). This is a home to the Holy Pilgrimage Gaìgä Sägara, which flows just 30 meters away.
After a 50-minutes non-stop drive from Kumudavana, we ended our day with Brajaväsa at the glorious Govardhana Dhäma.
Day 3
The start of the third day of Braja Maëòala Parikramä was most miraculously marked by the holy darçana of Rädhäräné’s Praçädé Vastu – Bäjané Çilä, Käjala Çilä, and Sindüra Çilä, situated at Rädhäräné’s Nanihäla Mukharäé Dvära (2.5 kms away from Rädhäkuëòa). Here, one can also behold the Giriräja Jé’s sight in the form of çilä and purify themselves with the Mukharä Kuëòa jala (Rädhäräné’s Snäna Kuëòa, during the time of Her visit).
Sürya Kuëòa (half an hour’s drive from Mukharäé Dvära), was the second Lélä sthalé of the day, continued the miracle of our fortune. The reason is, this site holds a very prominent place in the lives and hearts of all the Gauòéya Vaiñëava practitioners, because in Nitya Lélä, during Madhyähna, in our siddha maïjaré svarüpa… we, along with Sväminé jü and our Guru Maïjaré, come here daily for the Sürya püjä. This is also the Bhajana Sthalé of Siddha Madhusüdana Däsa Bäbäjé, one of the four principal Siddha Mahätmäs of Braja, and over here, Rädhäräné’s cüòämaëi (Jewel Crown) is imprinted on a Çilä.
The magnitude of the start of Day 3’s magic extended to the Govardhana Parikramä and Rädhäkuëòa Parikramä.
Govardhana Parikramä is stretched over 23 kms. Important Lélä Sthalés visits during Govardhana Parikramä are as follows:
- Kusuma Sarovara
- Närada Kuëòa
- Govinda Kuëòa
- Giriräja Jé Mukhäravinda
- Mänasé Gaìgä
- Rädhäkuëòa
At Kusuma Sarovara, MAHÄRÄJA JÉ recalled the Beautiful Memories of taking ÇRÉ BÄBÄJÉ MAHÄRÄJA for Walk, while He was present.
From Kusuma Sarovara, we visited Närada Kuëòa, where it is believed that one, who bathes in the Kuëòa on Amävasyä attains Gopé deha… but do we need to do anything with this opportunity ? No…!! We are Gauòéya Vaiñëavas, what to talk of aspiring for becoming Gopé, we pay obeisances to the idea of becoming Gopé, but aspire to be a Maïjaré-
pädäbjayos tava vinä vara-däsyam eva
nänyat kadäpi samaye kila devi yäce
sakhyäya te mama namo’stu namo’stu nityaà
däsyäya te mama raso’stu raso’stu satyam
(Çré Viläpa Kusumäïjali, Verse 16)
In a distance of 700 meters from Kusuma Sarovara to Närada Kuëòa, Däna Ghäöé (the testament of Däna Lélä) is located.
Närada Kuëòa, Govinda Kuëòa, and Giriräja Jé Mukhäravinda are located within a distance of 5-8 kms from each other.
Mänasé Gaìgä flows 6.5 kms away from the Giriräja Jé Mukhäravinda, and it is also the residence of Siddha Kåñëa Däsa Bäbäjé Samädhi, one of the other prime Siddha Mahätmä of Braja, whose description on Çré Çré Rädhä Kåñëa Eternal Pastimes ‘Guöikä’ is a treasure for ALL Gauòéya Vaiñëavas.
Near Mänasé Gaìgä, Cakaleçvara Mahädeva Temple and Bhajana Kuöéra of Sanätana Gosvämé are situated.
As the significance of this Sthalé was narrated, that, Lord Çiva left his Dhäma, Kailäça, to come here to hear Rädhä Näma from Rädhäräné’s däsé- Sanätana Gosvämé, ÇRÉ GURUDEVA once again made us realise our fortune of being a Rädhä-däsé…
The third day of Braja Maëòala Parikramä concluded with the Parikramä of Rädhäräné i.e., Rädhäkuëòa Parikramä.
At the time of Rädhäkuëòa Parikramä, we had the fortune of darçana of Lélä Sthalés, Temples, and Samädhis in the following sequence:
- Rädhäkuëòa
- Jähnavä Mätä Baiöhaka
- Çré Raghunätha Däsa Gosvämé Samädhi
- Rädhä Gopénätha Jé
- Téna Gosvämé Samädhi
- Giriräja Jé Jéhva Mandira
- Jagannätha Jé Baiöhaka
- 500 yrs old Ñaòbhuja Mahäprabhu
- Rädhä Dämodara Temple (Çré Jéva Gosvämé Bhajana Sthalé)
- Siddha Präna Kåñëa Bäbä Äçrama
- Çyämakuëòa
Day 4
In a flash, the fourth day arrived, bringing Braja Maëòala Parikramä to its halfway completion. Though the devotees were saddened by the realization that only four more days were left, they were still enthusiastic about visiting Barasänä (Sväminé’s home).
Day 4 of Braja Maëòala Parikramä started from Govardhana all the way to Barasänä, via Deeg and the Kämyavana region.
The first location of the fourth-day Parikramä was Guläla Kuëòa (9 kms from Govardhana), where holé (the colour festival) is celebrated for the entire 12 months. Famous for its Nitya Gäìöha Lélä, this site is also known by the name Gaëöhaulé Gräma.
At this Lélä Sthalé, Çré Nätha Jé, Giriräja Jé Çilä with the imprints of Holé Lélä, and Çilä adorned with Guläla colour, are present.
The significance of this Sthalé is further extended, as this Sthalé is not only Kåñëa Padäìkita Bhümi but also Gaura Padäìkita Bhümi.
All the holy pilgrims reside in Braja. The 4 Dhämas Badrénätha, Kedäranätha, Gaìgotré-Yamunotré, in their original form, have taken shelter in the Rajasthan Region of Braja Maëòala.
An hour’s drive from Guläla Kuëòa lies Ädi Badrénätha Dhäma in Deeg district, Rajasthan. The KARM devotees also hold value to this location because here, our esteemed ÇRÉLA GURUDEVA bestowed upon us an hour-long talk on the glories of Dhäma, for our benefit, for our advancement.
10 minutes drive from there, the trek for Gaìgotré-Yamunotré starts. Trek is about 300 meters long, and at the top, darçanas of Nara-Näräyaëa Parvata, Deities, Gaìgotré-Yamunotré, Räma Jhülä, and Lakñmaëa Jhülä can be held.
Ädi Kedäranätha Dhäma is 15 kms from Gaìgotré-Yamunotré. Below, Gauré Kuëòa is located, and on top of the mountain (approximately 270 steps), Ädi Kedäranätha (Lord Çiva) resides. Gaëeça Jé, Païca Mukhé Näga, and Nandé are imprinted on the Kedäranätha cave.
MAHÄRÄJA JÉ cautioned us from visiting these Sthalés, merely as a pious activity, ‘puëya karma’, thereby belittling the immense benefit which this place can otherwise offer. We are maïjarés, our only aspiration is to give Rädhäräné to Kåñëa, for which we should render all our prayers, even to Parama Vaiñëava Çivajé, vaiñëavänäà yathä çambhuù… at Kedäranätha.
Being materially conditioned, carrying innumerable saàskäras of previous innumerable births of rendering ‘puëya activity’ even while doing Bhakti, ÇRÉ GURUDEVA mercifully and repeatedly enlightened us, by removing our ignorance… and also elaborated on the importance of Manana… through the Talk here, at Kedäranätha.
Moving 9 kms from Ädi Kedäranätha, we paid our obeisances to Caraëa Pahäòé, where the imprints of Kåñëa’s Vaàçé, Läöhé, Caraëa Cinha (footprint’s), and cow’s khura are imprinted on the Çilä. From there at top, Khelavana (Kåñëa’s sakhäs playground) is also easily visible.
Fisalané Çilä (Rädhä Kåñëa’s natural swing) is situated 4 kms from Caraëa Pahäòé and 1 km before Bhojana Thälé. Bhojana Thälé, as the name implies, here, Çilä (rock) serves himself as Kåñëa’s Bhojana Thälé (Natural plate) for the Bhojana Lélä. This is also the abode of Çré Nätha Jé and, the well-known holy Kñéra Sägara.
After 2.5 kms from Bhojana Thälé, Kämyavana region starts and 2.5 kms ahead, Tértharäja Vimala Kuëòa is situated. This is also the home of Çré Vimala Bihäré Jé Mukhya and Vimaleçvara Mahädeva. Below its ground, there is Bhajana Kuöéra and Sevita Vigraha of Siddha Jaya Kåñëa Däsa Bäbäjé (One of the prime Siddha Mahätmä of Braja), and His Samädhi is situated 320 meters close by.
At Kämyavana, we took the circumambulation of Våndä Devé, Kämeçvara Mahädeva, and Païca Päëòava Sthäna. All these Sthalés are nearby, within a proximity of 7-10 minutes.
What can be more blissful, more relishable, more memorable than… Walking behind our revered ÇRÉ GURUDEVA, amidst Rädhä Rädhä Kértana, at Rädhäräné’s Dhäma…
Yes, this became reality for us… truly the most blissful memory for lifetime…!!
At Païca Päëòava Sthäna Sthalé, Dharmaräja Yudhiñöhira answered the questions of Yamaräja Yakña, and this is the same place where the Mahäbhärata’s well-known Durväsä Muni and Païca Päëòava Bhojana Lélä occurred.
Seven kilometers from Païca Päëòava Sthäna, Kadama Khaëòé lies. This Sthalé is a säkñé (witness) of Nägä Bäbä Lélä and Gopé Céra Haraëa. At this site, Nägä Bäbä’s Samädhi, Kadamba Tree, Kåñëa Kuëòa, and Räsa Sthala (located at a 30-meter distance) are also present.
At Barasänä (7 kms drive from Kadama Khaëòé), we ended our Day 4 of Braja Maëòala Parikramä.
Day 5
On the fifth day, Parikramä started from Üïcä Gäon (Lalitä Sakhé Village), reaching Nanda Gäon (Kåñëa’s village), and further entered in Yävaöa (Rädhäräné’s Sasuräla), and lastly ended at Barasänä.
Lalitä Sakhé’s village “Üïcä Gäon” is a venue for so many Nitya Léläs and Sthalés. Lalitä Pahäòhé and Deha Kuëòa are the two nitya Sthalés, situated in Üïcä Gäon (2 kms from Barasänä). Visiting these Sthalés is auspicious any time, any day… but the most auspicious thing for a jéva is, paying obeisances to these Lélä Sthalés, under the Shelter and Guidance of ÇRÉ GURU… and KARM Devotees are those fortunate beings ~ the Pujäré Jé there, made us realise this.
At the lower elevation of Lalitä Pahäòhé, Kåñëa-Lalitä Viväha Sthala lies, and here, Ältä Lélä is also played out, which leads its name to Ältä Pahäòhé as well. At the height of Lalitä Pahäòhé, there are Citra-Vicitra Çilä, 56 Kaöorä, Mäëika Çilä (Cunaré Chäpa), Puñkara Kuëòa (Brahma Kuëòa).
And in Deha Kuëòa, Deha Däna Lélä took place. This is the residence of Öhäkura Deha Bihäré Jé, Öhäkura Räsa Bihäré Jé, and the birthplace of Lalitä Sakhé. Lalitä Sakhé temple is just a 2-minute walk away, and there, the imprints of Kåñëa along with Añöa Sakhés are prsent on a Çilä.
On the way to Nandgäon, two nitya Sthalés – Prema Sarovara and Saìketa Vana – comes. Prema Sarovara lies in Ghazipur (near Barasänä), 1.5 kms away from Üïcä Gäon. This Sarovara (pond) is filled with the love-filled tears of Rädhäräné (Prema Açru).
1.5 kms ahead of Prema Sarovara, Saìketa Vana lies. Rädhä Saìketa Bihäré Mandira, Yogamäyä Saìketa Devé Mandira, and Gopäla Bhaööa Gosvämé Jé Bhajana Kuöéra are established at this location. This is also the Nitya Räsa Sthalé.
Parikramä measures further 3.65 kms distance to Nandgäon, which is more glorious than Govardhana (as narrated by ÇRÉ ANANTA DÄSA BÄBÄJÉ MAHÄRÄJA in Çré Viläpa Kusumäïjalé Grantha), and there, we took darçana of Kåñëa-Balaräma Deities at Nanda Bäbä.
This place holds a special significance for us, Gauòéya Vaiñëavas, for, we as Maïjarés daily go to Nandgäon, with our Sväminé Jé, for randhana. What should be our meditation, while entering and leaving Nandgäon, was elaborately enlightened by MAHÄRÄJA JÉ.
A close by, 1.15 kms ahead comes Öera Kadamba Sthalé, which is the location of Rüpa Gosvämé Jé Bhajana Sthalé, Go-cäraëa Lélä, and Rüpa-Sanätana Gosvämé Khéra Lélä.
Just a 2-minute drive nearby, Äçeçvara Mahädeva Temple is situated.
And the last Sthalé of Nandgäon is Våndä Devé Kuëòa, lies 3.5 kms from Äçeçvara Mahädeva Temple, where there is Våndä Devé Temple and Gupta Kuëòa, which is a Yogapéöha.
At this Sthalé, we were amazed to hear the Amåta Väëé from MAHÄRÄJA JÉ on-
- The Role of Dhaniñöhä,
- Yogapéöha Sevä… render in own Guru-given way ONLY,
- Role of Maïjarés, Våndä Devé.
- How wonderful is Kåñëa’s Bhagavattä… Yogapéöha… opulence of 6 seasons..!!
On a 7 kms way to Yävaöa, 3 kms earlier, Kokilä Vana comes. At Yävaöa, Jaöilä Bäòhé (Rädhäräné’s in-laws house) and Kiçoré Kuëòa lies.
Out of mercy, ÇRÉLA GURUDEVA blessed us all with Harikathä on the premises of Jaöilä Bäòhé, giving us the privilege to stay above an hour at the same place where we, in our nitya svarüpa, serve our Rädhäräné when She stays here.
The fifth day of Parikramä finished off with the circumambulation of Barasänä, which lies 12 kms ahead of Yävaöa.
In Barasänä, circumambulation of Priyä Kuëòa and Çré Jé Mandira was done, which are situated at a distance of only 600 meters. MAHÄRÄJA JÉ clarified on Çré Näräyaëa Bhaööa Gosvämé, from Gauòéya Sampradäya, but have been misunderstood to be from Nimbärka Sampradäya.
We also visited Priyä Kuëòa, also called Pélé Pokhara, as here Rädhäräné washed her mehendé.
Day 6
Day Six covered some more Vanas of Braja Maëòala, such as Aïjana Vana, Khädira Vana, Khelana Vana, Bihära Vana, Bhäëdéra Vana, and Belavana, along with many others prime Nitya Sthalés.
One is Sthäna Darçana, i.e., one gets a chance to visit a place… and another is Deity Darçana, i.e., along with the Sthalé Darçana, the Presiding Lord blesses with Their Darçana too…
Though Sthäna Darçana (of the places where Çré Rädhä Kåñëa performed Pastimes) is not so common… one still gets a chance to visit Lélä Sthalés, but at every place, the Lord is allowing for Their Darçana too, this is very rare and a matter of great fortune… Under MAHÄRÄJA JÉ’s Shelter, we had the fortune to do both Sthäna Darçana + Deity Darçana.
The blessings and darçana of Çré Aïjana Bihäré Jé, Käjala Çilä, Kiçoré Kuëòa, and Jhülä Räsa Maëòala could be obtained at Indulekhä Sakhé Gäon (Aïjana Vana), which is about 4.5 kms from Barasänä.
5.30 kms from Aïjana Vana, Parikramä arrived at Khaira Gäon, which is the location for the king of Vana, “Khädira Vana,” among the other twelve Mahavana. At this place, Kåñëa delivers the demon Bakäsura. Saìgama Kuëòa is also here, the place of Rädhä Kåñëa’s union.
Khelana Vana is also close by 1 km, where Haladhara Kuëòa and Ramaëa Bihäré Jé temple reside.
A little further on, around 5 kms away, Nitya Lélä ‘Céra Haraëa Ghäöa Sthalé, Céra Bihäré Jé Temple, Kadamba Våkña, and Kätyäyané Devé Temple are situated.
And within 3 kms from here, Akñaya Vaöa is located at Kajarauöha, where the Supreme Lord adorns its soil with their Lotusfeet as Räma in Tretä Yuga, as Kåñëa in Dväpara Yuga, and as Çréman Mahäprabhu in Kaliyuga… being both Kåñëa Padäìkita as well as Gaura Padäìkita Bhümi, this place holds a special place for us.
We proceeded 4 kms to “Bihära Vana,” a nitya Sthalé of Rädhä Kåñëa’s Naukä Vihära Lélä and within 2 kms further away from there, Räsa Sthalé of Balarama Jé, “Khecä Däu” is located.
Rädhä Kåñëa Viväha Maëòapa, Triveëé Küpa, and Çré Däu Jé Pilväsura Uddhära Lélä Temple are all located at Bhäëòéra Vana, which is 40 kms—nearly an hour’s drive—from Khecä Däu.
Less than a km ahead, Vaàçévaöa lies, which is a place of Rädhä Kåñëa Mahäräsa Sthalé, and here, according to one’s bhäva, one can hear the sound of different instruments from the trunk of the Vaàçévaöa tree.
In half an hour (approx. 10 kms) from Vaàçévaöa, “Belavana” is located, where Goddess Lakñmé Devé is still performing penance to be a part of Rädhä Kåñëa’s Räsa Lélä.
From there, 6.21 kms away, “Mänasarovara” is situated.
Lastly, the sixth day of Braja Maëòala Parikramä ended 11 kms away, at Våndävana.
In Våndävana, while walking towards Äçrama, ÇRÉLA GURUDEVA mercifully took us all to Çréniväsa Äcärya Jé’s Sevita Vigraha Temple, where the Samädhis of Çréniväsa Äcärya, Çré Hemalatä Öhakuräné, and Çré Rämacandra Kaviräja Jé are also situated.
Day 7
The last day of Parikramä arrived so soon. Gloomed by the thought that after a day, we have to leave Vraja, pierced the hearts of devotees. With a heavy heart, everyone started the last day of Braja Maëòala Parikramä.
The Parikramä moved from Våndävana to Gokula and back to Våndävana. First stop was Lohavana, which is approx. 15 kms from Våndävana. Its a place of Ädi Çakti Yogamäyä Temple, Kåñëa Kuëòa.
Seven kilometers ahead, the birthplace of Rädhäräné, “Rävala Dhäma”, comes. Here, there is also a Snäna Kuëòa of Rädhäräné.
Nearly at the same distance (7 kms) further, Gokula is situated, where Ramaëa-Reté lies. It is said that one must take Mahäprasädam at Jagannätha Puré, perform Saìkértana at Navadvépa Dhäma and smear in Vraja-Raja in Våndävana. Here at Ramaëa-Reti, one smears Vraja-Raja on self completely.
Parikramä moved further to Cauräsé Khambä, located at a distance of 1.5 kms. Cauräsé Khambä is Nanda Mahäräja’s Gokula Bhavana. Kåñëa has spent a few years of his childhood at Gokula, before moving to Nandagäon. This is also the Sthalé of Ükhala Bandhana, Cora Rästä, and Çankara Jé’s Tapo Bhümi.
Brahmäëòa Ghäöa and Cintäharaëa Mahädeva Temple are located 1.5 and 2.5 kilometers away from Nanda Bhavana (Gokula), respectively. At Brahmäëòa Ghäöa, Yaçodä Maiyyä washes clothes on the Yamunä river and Kåñëa consumed the miööé, and Yaçodä Mä witness the Supreme majesty of Lord Kåñëa, the display of entire universe (Brahmäëòa) in His mouth. This is also the home of Brahmäëòa Bihäré Jé. Another Prakaöa Lélä of Vastra Haraëa also manifested at this location.
Parikramä came back to Våndävana (26 kms from Cintäharaëa), and we completed our Braja Maëòala Parikramä.
Day 8
During the eighth day of Braja Väsa, we paid our obeisances to the Sthalés that were within half a kilometer from the place of our stay.
At first, we paid our respects to Rädhä Govinda Deva Jé. Further, ÇRÉ GURUDEVA took us to Cauìsaöhé Mahanta Samädhi Mandira.
Here, the Samädhis of Gaura Lélä’s 64 Mahantas – Mahäprabhu’s Pärñada’s – are laid, and thus a very important place for us, Gauòéya Vaiñëavas… for our meditation… for, one would not find all Yogapéöha Pärñadas together at one place…
After spending more than half an hour, we visited Brahmä Ghäöa again.
Lastly, back to Rädhä Govinda Jé Temple, where, in its surroundings, ÇRÉLA GURUDEVA, out of mercy, gives us the “Räma-bäëa” … the Discourse on Early Morning and Bhakti Sädhanä… followed by After-Lecture Talk… all for our growth and upliftment.
The celebration of our KARM’s 1st Braja Maëòala Parikramä … concluded with the Cake Cutting mercifully done by our Revered ÇRÉ GURUDEVA… followed by feast Prasädam, served by a Devotee Couple.
And hence, the time we never wished arrived soo soon… as we were to leave Braja for our respective homes, with the prayers in hearts to call us again and for eternity.