The Day when KARM Devotees’ New Year actually begins.. the Day which is more Auspicious than even the word ‘Auspicious.’
It is the Day of Celebration..
It is the Day of Jubilation..
It is the Day of our utmost fortune..
It is the Day to be remembered always..
Soon after the Kärtika Trip of 2016, longing started for the Darçana of our Revered ÇRÉ GURUDEVA on the upcoming Ävirbhäva Day.
One.. two.. three months had passed.. Counting each moment/day, the lonngggg time was crossed. February had arrived.. Preparations had started..
Theme Ideas were shared..
Cake Designs were searched..
Script for play was finalized..
Presentation Ideas were discussed..
Permissions for Cooking on Decoration Day were seeked..
Markets for serving newer & newer gifts were surveyed..
For, it is the Day, the Event in which everyone wants to be a part of… the Day where everyone is a Host.. the Day when everyone wants to serve, serve & serve in their fullest capacities, rather much beyond their capacities..
Decoration Day-
It is only in KARM that not only the Main Event but also the Preparation, the Decoration Day is celebrated and is equally relishable and cherishable.
17th February was the Decoration Day which saw Devotees full of energy and enthusiasm to decorate the place for the pleasure of the Lord of their Hearts, ÇRÉ GURUDEVA.
With flowers all around, some devotees very lovingly made flower bunches while some beautifully made flower hangings. All Glories to GURUDEVA who have given the Teachings, the platform and opportunity to practice what eternal maïjarés do in the eternal realm for their Çyämä-Çyäma.
While decoration was going on, Prasädaà was simultaneously being served right from lunch, evening snacks to dinner, all in a very sumptuous way.
Night had arrived.. Decoration was almost done.. Devotees departed for Their Homes, not to take rest but to do other Seväs, other Preparations..
The D-Day Arrived.. early morning saw Devotees gathering.. to give final touches to the Decoration.. to make Raïgolé..
√ Backdrops were ready..
√ Carpets, Sheets were laid..
√ Bunches of flowers were assembled..
√ Strings of flowers were hanged..
√ Vyäsa Äsana was set..
Everyone’s only wait was for ÇRÉ GURUDEVA’S DARSHAN..
With each car passing, Devotees eyes were searching ÇRÉ GURUDEVA.. finally the Car decorated beautifully with pink flowers arrived.. and amidst very loud Kértanas, Devotees welcomed ÇRÉ GURUDEVA and thus the Real Celebration started..
‘Frame of Heart’ was the Theme of the Festival. Within frame, Vyäsa Äsana for ÇRÉ GURUDEVA was set which depicted that we should only have ÇRÉ GURUDEVA in our Frame of Heart. The flowers and creepers hanging from the frame symbolised Çré Vaiñëavas.. without whom ÇRÉ GURU’S Service is incomplete.
By thanking ÇRÉ GURUDEVA through Çukränä, Journey of Memorable Moments given by ÇRÉ GURUDEVA in 2016 and ThankYOU Presentations, the Function as scheduled commenced.
This was followed by Guru Vandanä by Devotees. Well scripted and wonderfully enacted Play on ‘Frame of mind’ was performed by Devotees which highlighted on how we try to fit everyone in our Frame of mind and remain duùkhé.
Following “Saàsära Dävänala” Bhajana, Devotees requested ÇRÉ GURUDEVA to preside on Vyäsa Äsana and bless us with Kathä.
And thus came the blessed moment as ÇRÉ GURUDEVA Started with very melodious Maìgaläcaraëa. Through Pravacana, ÇRÉ GURUDEVA ENLIGHTENED us with-
* Rädhäräné’s Oceanic Beauty.
* Incredible POWER Of the heart of Maïjarés
* And how you can relish-Rädhäräné’s Roooooop Samudra.
Ecstatic Kértana ‘O meré Rädhäräné’ by ÇRÉ GURUDEVA left everyone spellbound. This was followed by Cutting of 3 Beautiful and Colourful ‘Frame’ Cakes lovingly made by Devotees.
Devotees expressed their gratitude to ÇRÉ GURUDEVA by serving Offerings.. ÇRÉ GURUDEVA Reciprocated with Devotees through Merciful Glance, Smile, Instructions.
Exemplifying the practical application of Instructions by Çré Rüpa Gosvämé ‘dadäti pratigåhëäti’ (for more details, visit www.karmdelhi.com/have-darshan-of-rupagosvamis-full-blessings/) taught by ÇRÉ GURUDEVA, KARM Devotees served very thoughtful gifts and in a very opulent and sensitive way..
A Devotee Couple made Individual Kits for Devotees which can be used for the upcoming Mäyäpur Trip. The kit had all things which one can think of, even those which one cannot even think of.. from toothpaste, soap, shampoo, washing powder, garbage bags, mirror to safety pins, needle, thread, powder, wet tissues, pichku etc. to name a few.
Strawberries were served but served in a way so that they do not get damaged. Not just Soaps but designer fragrant Soaps were served by a Devotee to all. One Devotee saved His Pocket money to seek Blessings by serving gifts to Devotees.
In order to serve païjéré as fresh as they can, a very-aged Devotee Couple spent the previous day and night to chop dry fruits and make Love-filled Offering for Devotees. Twin Kids lovingly served Tic-tacs to Devotees. Storing Containers, Customised Shopping Bag, Big Carrying Bag, Multipurpose Emergency Lights were also served. Other gifts ranged from Toffees, Cakes, Biscuits and Raisins to Sweets Box, Puffs, Namkeens, Frymes and Digestives.
It was then the Time for the grand feasting with the Opulent Prasädaà, variety was so much that it required to be served in 2 full plates to a single Devotee with extra bowls for desserts.
The Mercy Extended further as ÇRÉ GURUDEVA Enlightened with after LECTURE TALK, Explaining how practically we can apply the Discourse in our lives.
Then, the time we never wished arrived, as ÇRÉ GURUDEVA Departed from the Venue. It was a sad moment but it did not let Devotees stop from serving..
They enthusiastically did wind up Sevä.. winding up of Decoration.. winding up of Prasädaà etc.. Devotees even washed cooking utensils, for it was Their Function.. and thus the Beautiful, the Memorable, the Fulfilling Day came to an end, leaving Devotees more enthusiastic for the upcoming Mäyäpur Trip.